Thursday, May 12, 2016

Momentum = Achievement, Dont Miss it!

"I'll be sitting in a place which does not give the slightest place for devil." (Umar Bin Abdul Aziz).

From the above sentence indicates that we should take advantage of opportunities as possible. Sometimes we have a chance to be successful since he was young but we often let go of this opportunity and we think that opportunity will come again for now I'm going to feel the youth first.

Well this is a wrong perception, what are we waiting for? And we can do from the beginning. Basically we have been given grace period, when we missed our second course we can not repeat it again.manajemen keuangan

Time is the momentum so that we achieve a feat. This is not serious, because God himself has asserted that human beings are in a state of loss otherwise people can not pay attention to time, but there are four groups who are not losers, namely:

people of faith,
People who do good deeds
People are advised in to the path of righteousness
People who advised patience
It was all in keeping the word of Allh Almighty in the Qur'an Surah Al-Asr verses 1-3, which means:

"For the sake of time. Behold, the man is really in loss, except those who believe rang and menegrjakan righteous deeds, and counsel-counsel and advice in order to comply with in order to fulfill patience-advised. "

Imam Shafi'i rahimahullah and berkta addressing the verse, "If people can understand the verse in real enough in her religion ... .." What do you mean? Basically this is the essence of the letter (explaining) that the real life is a collection of time.

momentum = accomplishments
you should be able to determine its own path to your success (image: Google)

If we can not use the time he was the one who guaranteed to lose money, as the case of people who have died. This is because as well as a frozen corpse, which life is not polite to die to make the smell.

Wujuduhu ka-adamihi, kedaradaan as if no, this dikerenakan no use. Where nobody considers and ignored. In fact there are many people who lament and curse, why people like him in alive, or even if she dies even many people who are grateful.kerja sampingan

Rasulullah SAW said, "The likeness of one who remembers Alllah with people who do not remember him as orag living with the dead". (HR. Bukhari from Abu Musa Al-Ash'ari)

People like that that much at this point, it will even scared when people like that are all around us atapun transformed into ourselves. Who the hell wants to live just as a walk-on, the audience is sloppy, or even artists who do not have a clear role and vision for example shambles.

Living like that would create momentum elapsed, success will run away from us, or bahagiapun going away from us.

Allah's Apostle once said, "There are two scrumptious, where many people are deceived by both: deliciously healthy and free time." (HR. Bukhari from Ibn Abbas)

Well from the hadith we can gain that time is the key to success for us all. We should be able to take a lot of inspiration from Imam Shafi Al Asr on this letter as well as his experience in order to optimize his time.kerja online

That way we can unleash the potential that we have with many remarkable achievements. So that we can draw conclusions bahwasannya time the key is empowering, empower yourself, empower means, find the momentum, gave birth to fresh ideas, working properly to be able to produce works great.

Well explained about presatsi momentum, we should be able to appreciate the time and use the momentum we have gained in order to generate feats biasa.seoga dapatb ermanfaat this article for you all.

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